Sunday, 5 January 2014

Soap and Glory Dr. Spot

This was a cheeky little Christmas gift of mine from ma famille and I've been using it daily since. So I thought today I would write a little review of it for you.

Firstly lets take a moment to appreciate how beautiful the soap and glory packaging is, I am such a fan of all of their product for the simple reason they just look so darn gorgeous. Its a simple metal tube with a screwy (??) lid, very similar to the craft glue you can get which is a little weird... The writing and is instructions are also ascetically pleasing but they do lack in detail but I'm not sure that's much of an issue as its fairly self explanatory.
So for packaging overall I would give a wonderful 4.5/5!

Now for the product itself and application, Dr. Spot is clear in colour and a gel like formulation. It's smooth and applies easily it should be left for a minute or two to be absorbed and is a little sticky but I think its fine to carry on with your usual skin care routine over the top at this point. It has no sent which I really like as I don't think with a spot treatment product you should be adding chemicals and sents or colours.
For the product I am giving Dr. Spot a 4/5 as there's nothing offensive or wrong with it it just takes a minute or two to soak in which can be a little annoying if you're in a rush.

And now for results, over the Christmas period my skin has been awful. This is, I think, down to stress and bad diet. So I wasn't expecting a miracle worker, and I'd be lieing if I said I have perfect skin now, but the a lot of the redness and actual spots/acne are now gone and I'm just left with scarring which in time will hopefully shift so I can safely say that yes this product has worked a treat! I apply it once in the morning and once in the evening in conjunction with my usual cleanse, tone and moisturise routine. I think this has to be the best spot treatment product I have come across and that's including the, much raved about La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo  which I tried but had little success with.
So finally for results I give the Soap and Glory Dr. Spot a 4/5!

Well I'm off on a ski holiday this Friday *dances with joy* but I am hoping to schedule some posts for you whilst I'm away, so I'll leave you now to go try, note the try, and pack!

-alex x

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